Saturday 5 July 2014

Elmo's life(assignment 2)

i was very happy that i can use the cartoon,the elmo as the character in my video.The process of doing this assignment is very hard as the elmo is very soft,it cannot be stand,cannot sit properly.So i even used thread to let his hand be stable.Because it is a elmo, a cute cartoon,so i have think a lot of action to let him be cuter.

I used 3 times to shot this video as my frame cannot shot clearly.I felt that this assignment let me learnt a lot of  photography skills.I used almost 200hundred pictures to create my stop motion video.Its is very difficult for me to make a video on the video maker as my computer was lagged all the time.

My story is about a elmo(cartoon)bought by his owner but was abandoned on the table.Therefore,the elmo feels so lonely .When his owner was not at home,he would find something on the table and play with them.

Because of too concentrate in my story,i was neglected about the rule of thirds.Therefore,i have gained a low low marks.I'm very regret but then i realise that how rule of thirds is important in shooting something.

Saturday 31 May 2014

self portrait

This is my 1st sketch of the assignment.You can see that it is music instrument and me!Its is very difficult for me as i needed to use a lot dots to decorate the music instrument.(yellow and red).Firstly i used a chopsticks and wood stick(satey stick)to chop the colour.Unfortunately the stick cannot absorbed the watercolour.Therefore i used my hand to draw circle.
After that,i used a blue background.That represents me is a person who easy to feel emo.And the doted white circle on the background represents my sadness life full of hope,where the hope come from freinds and family.You can see that i really use a lot of dots to let my art movement(toyism) more clear.And also,my face change from pale face to a colour that let the character more active and sunshine.The character's face i let it be half to show me full of emotion,half is serious and half is funny.

Lastly,i can say my self portrait is full of the style of art movement.A lot of dots not only represents the toyism and also let my drawing more nicely.I also use a serious undertone.My colour also do not mix ,they stand out against each other.

I am very grateful because i can pass up a assignment that miss can approve me.Remember the 1st time our group have been rejected by miss Maslisa.We felt very desperate as we not really know what we really need to.We really not feel so great and very worry about how the assignment would going on.After that, our group has came early to campus and discussed how we can draw what we want.Finally, practice make perfect!.WE HAVE COMPLETELY DONE OUR ASSIGNMENT! yohooo~~~

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Mind map & Self (principle in design)

yeah~this is my mind map,the first work of class of principle of design.I was very nervous that we have a presentation after we have done.Therefore i was trying to make it perfectly and thinking hard to make my mind map more rich and interesting.I follow the types that lecturer gave and added some more others things that i likes. I looked back with my mind map with great satisfaction as i have more understand what i like and what i dislike.
Later on,i did my self portrait.My self portrait comes from many kinds of natural things.Miss Melisa was given us some couple hours to find our material.Most of my friend try to pick some flower around the lakeside.It was quite fun to find some flowers or grasses around the Taylor's.I like my eyes mostly because it is also made by a kind of flower,but i distribute it randomly .It made my self portrait  become more special.It is too bad that my friends said my eyes is very disgusting and they cannot accepted it anyway.

So,it is the time of my presentation.Fortunately I was quite calm as i have psychological preparation to do it.As lecturer asked us why we want to be a designer,i cannot really answer it with good answer.It is because my english is quite weak and i cannot told what i really wanted to say.Hopefully lecturer could has a little understanding of my problem. :)